
De Parys: Independence, choice, and support to flourish

“Without exception, people and relatives told us staff were kind and caring and supported them how they wanted to be supported. Throughout the assessment we received positive comments from people, relatives, staff, and health professionals who worked with the service.”

A kind, caring, and adaptive environment – where people are without a doubt supported to flourish in their independence and achieve their goals. Spotlighted throughout, the sheer passion from everyone working at De Parys makes it clear why they achieved a ‘Good’ CQC rating in their latest inspection.

All possible thanks to the team and service manager Emmanuel, a big congratulations goes to everyone at De Parys for supporting people to embrace life, celebrate achievements, and achieve dreams and milestones.

Comments from those living at De Parys included:

  • ‘‘The staff respect me and I can get on and do whatever I like.’’
  • ‘‘I feel as though I am in a safe place here. I practice being safe with the staff, like doing a fire drill or talking about going out and about by myself.’’

Comments from the relatives included:

  • ‘‘The atmosphere at the service is fantastic. [Family member] is so happy and content. It is their home. The staff make it what it is- fantastic care.’’
  • ‘‘[Family members] needs have changed a lot recently and the staff have been amazing. They have really adapted to make sure their needs can still be met.’’
  • ‘‘I think the staffing level is brilliant. [Family member] has a great social life.’’
  • ‘‘[Registered manager] is such a special person. They are hard working and dedicated and this feeds down to the staff team.’’
  • ‘‘The atmosphere at the service is fantastic. You can tell staff all enjoy their job and want what is best for [family member].’’ 

Area Director Michelle Christie expressed her happiness in the achievement “The De Parys team have work incredibly hard as a team to support opportunity, choice and success for all the people living at De Parys. It’s all down to the hard work, passion and commitment of the entire team to drive success of quality of life for the people who lived at De Parys. I am delighted and proud that De Parys have been recognised by rating of Good.”

Highlighting some of our stand-out comments (which was a struggle not to share the entire report!), have a read of the amazing report below;


  • People were fully involved in a practice fire drill. One person said, ‘‘I am the fire marshal here. It is an important job and we all practice what to do in an emergency together.’’ 
  • People and their relatives felt they/ their family member were safe living at the service. A relative told us, ‘‘I know [family member] is safe and they feel reassured by this. This then reassures me.’’
  • They also focused on positive risk taking such as supporting people to learn to do things independently or leave the service by themselves eventually. One person said, ‘‘[Staff] help me go out at the moment but I am working on going out by myself once I know the area a bit better.’’


  • Processes in place to assess people’s needs when they started living at the service were thorough and covered their likes, dislikes and preferences. 
  • People told us they were asked for choices in their day to day care. One person said, ‘‘I can go out whenever I want. We do make a menu all together but we can eat what we want if we change our minds.’’ 
  • A relative told us, ‘‘They respect [family members] choices even though it means a lot more support is needed. It is excellent.’’ 


  • Staff were passionate about involving people in making choices about all aspects of their support. They told us how they supported people to be independent by showing them how to do things or by only helping people when they asked for support.
  • “The staff are engaging and communication with [family member] is excellent. I cannot fault them’’ and, ‘‘The atmosphere at the service is fantastic. You can tell staff all enjoy their job and want what is best for [family member].’’ 
  • We observed staff supporting people to make choices and be independent throughout the day.
  • One person had been supported to become more independent in cleaning their room and making their own drinks and were visibly very happy in photos showing them doing this.


  • ‘‘[Family member] is out all the time and staff make sure they have plenty to do. They are very happy at the service.’’
  • The registered manager and staff team had supporting people to follow their interests and be a part of their local community as a key focus of their job.
  • Processes were in place to review and ensure people were being supported to achieve good outcomes.
  • People had been supported to achieve various goals such as losing weight, going out of the service independently or being supported to go to places of interest.


Whilst the inspector didn’t review ‘Well-Led’ during the visit, it’s clear from the report that the positive leadership shines throughout, making De Parys a great place to live, and a great place to work.

Service Manager, Emmanuel Uwimana shared “The warm and caring nature of the staff team is the foundation of the culture that makes De Parys stand out. The staff team have helped create a homely, and ‘family feeling’ environment for the people we support, which I feel has been the shining light to why we achieved an overall ‘good’ for the CQC report. The positive, focused, person centred way of supporting has also been influenced by the emphasis to develop strong relationships with family members, which we’re proud to see shines throughout. I am proud of the team, the relatives of the people we support, Consensus as a company for being so heavily involved to maintain quality and guiding us. And finally I am extremely proud of the people we support for leading the CQC inspection and helping highlight how much they like living at De Parys and what impact living at De Parys has on their lives.”


De Parys Good CQC Report You can read the full inspection report on the CQC website, and find out even more about De Parys thoroughly deserved ‘Good’ rating.

Head to CQC

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