
Wallace Cresent

Carshalton, London

  • Private Flats
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Makaton
  • Sign Language
  • Lifts
  • Ramps
  • Sensory Courtyard
  • Specialist Behaviour Support
  • Nearby Community Links
  • Communal Areas
Wallace Crescent is a calm but busy home offering a unique style of residential support. People living here have their own individual flats, giving them privacy, independence and an appropriate level of responsibility, but with all the benefits of communal areas and 24/7 support. All support is tailored to each individual person including things like art therapy, fitness classes and taking courses at the local college.

The communal areas are always fun and lively – with a pool table and table tennis for tournaments, the lounge that people love to gather in to cheer on their favourite sports team or watch dancing shows, karaoke nights or a BBQ with friends and family in the garden. People are encouraged to get out and have fun, with regular trips to the seaside, museums, theatres or just for a walk around the local park.
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What makes this service special?


Private flats with communal areas for socializing

Person Centered

All care and support is tailored to the individual


Everyone gets to decide how their home is run

“The service had a strong focus on supporting people to learn life skills and work towards becoming more independent, at their own pace. Staff supported people to keep their flats clean and tidy, prepare their own meals and take responsibility for their living space... People received support to overcome barriers that had previously prevented them from following their ambitions or trying new things … People had opportunities to engage in a variety of activities of their choice, follow their interests and take holidays. People told us they were happy with the activities they did.”

CQC, 2020

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

General Queries

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