
The Heathers

Kettering, Northamptonshire

  • Private Rooms
  • Nursing Support
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Specialist Behaviour Support
  • Hoist Equipment
  • Lifts
  • Ramps
  • Communal Areas
  • Public Transport Links
The Heathers is a warm, welcoming home located in the heart of Kettering. Made up of personalised bedrooms across 2 floors, the Victorian home is always bustling with life; whether having a BBQ in the beautiful outdoor courtyard or socialising in the shared comforts of the home, there's always plenty going on. Accessible throughout, the house benefits from stair lifts and wheelchair friendly rooms.

The people here are always supported & encouraged to reach their goals and develop their life skills. Whether that be learning to cook, developing friendships in the local community, or learning a new hobby, the people are at the heart of the heathers. Supported by staff, each week is tailored to the activities and wishes of the people living here, ensuring their voices are listened to.

Friends and family are always welcome to come and join in the fun – whether it is a disco, watching a football match together or spending time feeding birds in the garden. There is always a chance to get out, with regular trips to local theatres, restaurants, cinemas and even holidays.
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What makes this service special?

Sensory Room

Beautiful spaces for wellbeing

Assistive Technology

Tailored technology to support independence

Warm Environment

Friendly and cosy atmosphere throughout

“People were treated with kindness and compassion. One person said, "Staff are very nice, they are good friends to me." "Staff knew about the people and things that were important to people. They knew about people's preferences and how to get the best out of people.”

CQC, 2018

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

General Queries

If you have a general query for Consensus, or you’re not sure who to contact please get in touch and we will make sure the right person receives your question for the best response.

    If you have a general query for Consensus, or you’re not sure who to contact please get in touch and we will make sure the right person receives your question for the best response. For compliments and complaints, click the Feedback tab.

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