
World Menopause Day at Consensus

It’s World Menopause Day, and today we brought together colleagues and some of the people we support together for a day of learning, discussion, and a little bit of fun! With a workforce that is 72% female, we understand that Menopause affects everybody differently, and we need to understand and educate ourselves to make sure that every person going through menopause has the support they need.

From coffee and cake to sharing our experiences of how we’ve experience menopause at work – it was a real eye opener for the men and the young women who may not have known just how complicated and painful it can be, but there was so much advice shared so everyone can go into that next phase of life prepared – not only for themselves, but supporting those around them through the challenges faced – especially within the workplace.

HR & Wellbeing Coordinator Sophie did a fantastic job of championing World Menopause Day and organising the event at Central Support. She said “I haven’t experienced menopause yet, but speaking to everyone today I feel like I have so many different tips and tricks to help me get through it when the time comes. It’s truly amazing how supportive a room full of women can feel.”

After a round of pub quizzes to test our knowledge, and a fabulous family-fortunes style game show which had everyone with their fingers on the buzzers to show their stuff, our wellbeing team were on hand to offer one-on-one sessions to answer everyone’s questions and concerns in a relaxing safe-space that was a lovely break away from the office fun.

Support Worker Annette said, “During our sessions, I actually learned a lot about myself from my colleagues – I realised that so many of the things that were happening to me were actually attributed to menopause that I didn’t even realise and now I can try and find the help I need.” 

We’ve all listened to what’s been said today, and our colleagues expert insight into life through menopause will let us continue to make this a Great Place to Work and one of the UK’s Best Workplaces for Women.

Great Place to Work® have unveiled the companies who have earned a spot on the UK's Best Workplaces for Women List 2023. These exceptional organisations have redefined workplace culture, setting a new standard for gender equality and inclusion. From robust talent development programmes to fair pay and benefits, these workplaces prioritise the success and wellbeing of their female employees.

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