
The adventurers go quad biking

“In November, myself and Jamie went to Avalanche Adventure in Sibbertoft, where we did Quad Biking for 4 hours.

We went off roading, including being allowed to go on the Land Rover experience track, which was very slippy and slidey and went up steep hills. We were allowed into the workshop where we saw Land Rover’s and quad bikes being fixed to be sold, so they can buy new ones. We saw buggies that are like a Cateram where you can take them on a track. We saw one of the Avalanche Adventure members quad biking where he plays with it around the farm. I went 40 miles per hour on the wider path on the quad bike and the instructor was very impressed. Jamie says he went 62 miles per hour.

We liked this activity because it is in the middle of nowhere and we both loved driving and the speeds. I have my provisional license and I am starting my automatic driving lessons again so this is good practice of being in control of the vehicle. This was my second time and Jamie’s third time at quad biking but we only did it for 2 hours back in July. The instructor said we set a new record because he has never took people for 4 hours or took the quads on the Land Rover experience track.

Myself and Jamie are going back to do the Land Rover experience next year and possibly pigeon clay shooting, but the next activity is Go Karting on an outdoor track.”

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