
Weston Villa

Kettering, Northamptonshire

  • Private Flats
  • Hoist Equipment
  • Nearby Transport Links

Weston Villa is a unique home supporting people with PWS in a warm, friendly setting. The people who live here are supported by their team to understand and take control of their lifestyle, making informed healthy decisions and learning valuable life skills so they can get involved in managing their own home and life.

Individual flats within the villa give each individual their own privacy, independence and opportunity to take responsibility for their own home. They’ll cook healthy meals in their own kitchens, and enjoy hobbies and activities that brighten each day. Some of the people who live here regularly head to the pub or football grounds to watch their favourite team playing, and an exciting day out to theme parks.

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What makes this service special?


Always something fun to do or somewhere to go

Specialist PWS Support

Help to make decisions for a healthy, active lifestyle


All care and support tailored to the individual

"Staff had developed positive and trusting relationships with people that helped to keep them safe. Most people were not able to tell us their views verbally, but we observed people to be comfortable in the service and able to spend time where they wanted to. Staff interactions were caring and respectful."

CQC, 2023

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

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