
Vale House

Bolton, Greater Manchester

  • Private Flats
  • Large Garden
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Lifts/Ramps
  • Communal Areas
  • Nearby Transport Links
  • Self-Contained Bungalows with Private Garden

Vale House & Bungalows is a unique home that offers the independence and freedom of private flats alongside 2 self-contained bungalows, but with the support of an expert team at all times. People are encouraged to personalise and maintain their personal space to encourage independence and responsibility, but there’s also a warm and friendly atmosphere in the communal areas for people to get together to relax, socialise and make plans.

People love being outdoors; whether it’s accessible walking routes at nearby wetlands and nature parks or showing off their green thumbs in their garden plots and planting their own vegetables and flowers. Someone’s always ready for a trip to the local seaside or snooker club, and there’s always excitement at the arrival of football season when everyone gets to go and see their favourite team play. People are supported to achieve their goals, whether it’s taking up a new hobby or finding a voluntary position, we’re always learning something new.

The 2 new purpose-built bungalows are built across one floor, making them easily accessible and would easily suit a person who is looking to move from a hospital based setting to their own spacious place - ready to take their next steps into the community. There's easy access to amenities for those looking to broaden their horizons, but also provides the serenity of a quiet location if a relaxed BBQ in the sun is preferred.  

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What makes this service special?

Social Atmosphere

The home is busy and friendly with lots to do


Offering private flats with personal space


Care and support tailored to every individual

“People spoken with liked living at Vale House. They were very proud of their flats which had all been personalised to individual taste … Staff at Vale House took a person-centred approach to supporting individuals and used person centred planning to enable them to work towards the goals they wished to achieve.”

CQC Report 2018

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