
Ty Hendy

Swansea, Carmarthenshire

  • Private Flats
  • Private Rooms
  • Communal Areas
  • Garden
  • Nearby Transport Links
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Total Communication
  • Sensory Areas

Ty Hendy is a unique residential service that offers a mix of single and shared flats, as well as private rooms that offer tailored specialist support for those with learning disabilities and autism. Every person living here has their own privacy and personal space, and work closely with their team to ensure their support is centred all around them and their goals.

There’s a calm but fun atmosphere, with plenty of activities and everyone getting a say in what they’d like to get involved with next - including regular visits from an exotic petting zoo (which is always a great day at Ty Hendy!) and a traditional weekend disco that always gets people dancing! People are encouraged to follow their ambitions; whether that’s learning to ride a horse, getting work experience, joining a choir or just enjoying more day trips.

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What makes this service special?

Social Atmosphere

Activities and events in-house and out!


Everyone gets to decide how their home is run


All care and support is tailored to the individual

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“Friendly and understanding support workers have developed positive relationships with individuals who live at the service. Person-centred plans are highly individualised and used to effectively guide support workers.”

CIW Report 2024

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

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