
Tushmore Lane

Crawley, West Sussex

  • Private Ensuite Rooms
  • Makaton
  • Sign Language
  • Garden
  • Communal Areas
  • Public Transport Links

Tushmore Lane is a lively and social home offering person centered support that is ideal for a younger adult transitioning from living with family or from an education setting. There is a family atmosphere, and the team are there to help the individuals living here with cooking together, decorating, cleaning, gardening and self-care. They are actively involved in every decision made about their home, and how it’s looked after by their team.

Residents will often be out and about, at the nearby cinema, bowling alley, gym, parks, shopping, barbers – as well as taking regular trips to the seaside, theme parks, to football games or on holidays with their friends and family. And when at home, people love to have gaming matches, movie nights or board games.

People living here are encouraged to pursue their goals and ambitions – many having gained the confidence and independence to carry out volunteer jobs in the local community, play in local sports teams, or work together to maintain their communal garden for everyone to enjoy.

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What makes this service special?

Community Involvement

People are encouraged to work and build community links

Social atmosphere

Regular trips and social events in the home


People choose their goals and how they want to be supported

"People’s independence and choice were actively supported and promoted. People were happy and comfortable in staff’s presence and would engage proactively. One relative said of their loved one, “He makes his own decisions on a lot of things." There was a positive approach to the planning of activities relevant to people at the service, and an emphasis on maintaining an active approach. People were supported to attend local clubs where they engaged in games and activities."

CQC, 2024

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

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