
Perrywood House

Kettering, Northamptonshire

  • Private Rooms with Ensuite
  • Garden
  • Communal Areas
  • Nearby Transport Links

Perrywood House is a specialist home supporting people with PWS and the associated learning disabilities, with access to positive behaviour support if the need arises. Here individuals live in a warm home setting, with staff promoting independence and decision making around their care, whilst tailoring to each person’s abilities and aims for their future into consideration.

There is a calm, relaxed atmosphere throughout the house. Supported individuals work alongside staff to actively plan meals, activities, trips out, decoration of house and garden, and have dedicated keyworkers to help them personalise and reach their goals. With an open-kitchen door, individuals with PWS are involved in preparing their meals, and enjoy learning about a healthy balanced diet. All are encouraged to come to staff with their ideas and together through positive risk taking, we work on creating positive achievements.

Everyone is supported to achieve not only their health goals, but their personal goals. Staff have supported Individuals on holidays abroad, as groups and as individuals, alongside nights away, theatre shows, concerts, zoos, meerkat feeding... there is never a shortage of things to do at Perrywood!

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What makes this service special?

Holidays & Outings

Holidays abroad & day-trips throughout the year

Weekly Activities

An activity board full of fun every day

Specialist PWS Support

Open-door kitchen where a healthy balanced diet is taught

“People were involved in the planning of their care; their care plans clearly showed how people preferred to receive their care … People's independence was promoted. Staff ensured people were encouraged to do as much as they could for themselves. Some people maintained their independence in travelling to activities and work, requiring support only when they experienced difficulties managing their condition”

CQC, 2019

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

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