
Parvale House

Kettering, Northamptonshire

  • Private Rooms with Ensuite
  • In House Fitness
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Public Transport Links
  • Communal Areas

Parvale House provides tailored and person-centered support for people with PWS – everyone is involved in decisions about their care, and actively involved in managing their health from learning how to plan and cook healthy food to fitness and exercise. People are actively encouraged into the kitchen to prepare food for themselves, and for others, as well as supporting with finding the right ingredients for their meals.

The home has a very relaxed atmosphere; people enjoy the freedom of being able to come and go as they wish. Some people still get together to play games, have art sessions, watch their soaps and hang out in the communal areas just chatting over a drink. People are encouraged to get out into the community, some have jobs or volunteer roles, attend church or religious services, go to fitness classes and social clubs. Everyone takes advantage of local cinemas, pools, escape rooms and other social activities that are close by – and often venture further out for day trips and holidays.

People living here are involved in decisions about their home and the care they receive, whether that’s getting stuck in with painting and decorating, organizing games nights or contributing to their support plan with their own goals.

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What makes this service special?

Life Skills

Encouragement and support to have a healthy lifestyle and diet


People get involved with making choices about their home

Personal Goals

Support with goals from holidays, days out and finding work

“Staff had an exceptional understanding of people's individual needs and supported them to achieve their hopes for the future, their wishes and aspirations. They worked as a close team and were driven in providing person centred support to enable people to achieve as much independence as possible. People and their families were central to the care planning process and felt listened to.”

CQC, 2019

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

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