
Main Road

Dorrington, Shewsbury

  • Private Rooms with Ensuite
  • Private Flats
  • Large Garden
  • Communal Areas
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • BBQ Area
  • Nearby Transport Links
Main Road is a welcoming residential home split across 2 houses, giving the people who live there their own space to make their own, but with support always available when they need it. Everyone is encouraged to take the lead on their own care wherever possible, decorating and personalising their space and getting involved in decisions about how the home is run. People love to get involved planning their menus and cooking with the team.

There’s a large garden for when we’re blessed with BBQ weather and for having friends and family over to enjoy. People will often host social events in the communal areas for everyone to join in. The town is nearby with plenty of places to go for a day out.
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What makes this service special?


Everyone gets to decide how their home is run


Private rooms with communal areas for socialising


All care and support is tailored to the individual

“People attended meetings at the home to talk about, for example, menu planning, upcoming events or anything which affected the home, such as redecoration. This helped people to be involved in making decisions about their home. People were treated with kindness and care and interactions between people and staff were relaxed.”

CQC Report 2019

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

General Queries

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