
Leofric Villa

Wednesbury, West Midlands

  • Individual Flats
  • Public Transport Links
  • Total Communication

Set in a quiet residential area in Wednesbury, Leofric Villa is an amazing place to live. People are given access to an environment where they can achieve their aspirations and goals, embrace every moment, and be a part of the Leofric Villa family. Well- kept flats and cosy surroundings make for a homely vibe, with the local area providing opportunities to get stuck into new hobbies, and develop relationships with the local community. 

People are supported to enjoy every moment, and encouraged to use their fantastic talents to participate in fun activities. The staff at Leofric Villa are dedicated, kind, caring, and always act with a person-centred approach; ensuring the people we support have complete control over their lives, and their voices are always heard. We refuse disability to win. The team organises meaningful activities to meet people’s emotional and communication needs, and also involve the loved ones in person’s support.

There's nothing more powerful than connecting people, seeing their successes and smiles every day - Leofric Villa, a place to call home. 

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What makes this service special?

Kindness Jar

A place to leave positive words for all to read

Snug Room

Colourful, playful, enjoyable - relax and put your feet up

Music Relaxation Sessions

Nothing sounds better than soft music with a healthy piece of cake

“People were happy with the care they received. They told us they enjoyed living in the home and found the staff supportive. No one expressed any concerns with the care they were receiving. One person's relative told us, "The support [my relative] gets is wonderful."

CQC Report 2022

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Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

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