
Kingston House

Leigh-on-Sea, Essex

  • Private Rooms
  • Wheelchair Accessible Rooms
  • Lifts/Ramps
  • Communal Areas
  • Nearby Transport Links
  • Garden
  • Positive Behaviour Support
Located on the Essex coast, Kingston House is a lovely service that embraces a collaborative approach, empowering its residents to actively participate in the management of their own home and influence their care decisions. A strong emphasis is placed on nurturing life skills, where everyone is encouraged to engage in daily living skills such as cooking, decorating, cleaning, and planning, ensuring that the needs and preferences of each individual remain at the forefront.

There’s a sense of calm at Kingston House, with a peaceful atmosphere. Residents take great pleasure in tending to their garden, expressing their artistic talents, and lending a helping hand in the kitchen. From theme parks to the seafront, there are always opportunities for day trips, leisurely strolls along the beach (with delicious ice cream treats) or engage in some retail therapy.

Additionally, social clubs and local colleges provide opportunities for residents to broaden their social circles and work towards accomplishing their personal goals.
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What makes this service special?

Calm Environment

Relaxed home, having support on hand to help with challenges


Tailored to each individual

Central Location

Near the seafront and plenty to do!

" People were supported to live as independent lives as possible. We observed positive interactions between people and staff. People were happy in each other's company and relaxed spending time together. A relative said, "The staff are really good, I am really happy, the staff are consistent, they are like a little family."

CQC, 2023

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

General Queries

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