

Radcliffe, Manchester

  • Private Rooms with Ensuite
  • Large Garden
  • Communal Areas
  • Nursing Support
  • Nearby Transport Links

A welcoming home environment, with a passionate, expert team, Kingarth offers nursing care and specialist support that enables those who need this expert care to gain independence and achieve goals which are unique to them – including gaining the confidence to travel safety alone, or even going out and getting a job or volunteer placement. We’re always here to find ways to support the people living at Kingarth to take responsibility for creating a bright future.

The vibrant and creative atmosphere is evident – from the colourful murals painted on the walls, to people cooking and baking in the kitchen together, and of course the party nights with the karaoke machine – there’s always opportunity to have fun at Kingarth, and you’ll always find someone having a laugh and a joke with one another. Stepping outside, the garden has hand-made squirrel feeders for people to look after the local wildlife and enjoy watching them while relaxing in their outdoor spaces – which is something everyone really enjoys.

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What makes this service special?

Social Atmosphere

A fun filled social calendar with lots to do


Everyone has a say in how their home is run


Care and support is tailored to each individual

“The service had demonstrated a proven track record of achieving outstanding care and outstanding outcomes. The positive culture, ethos, vision, and values of Kingarth shone through from the moment you stepped into the service.”

CQC Report 2024

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

General Queries

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