
Henson Court

Kettering, Northamptonshire

  • Private Rooms with Ensuite
  • Garden
  • Communal Areas
  • Nearby Transport Links

Henson Court is a welcoming home that is always busy and full of fun and smiles. The people living here are supported to achieve their goals and learn new skills in a way that is tailored entirely to them and their needs. Ensuring every moment is spent making memories, filling the halls with laughter, and supporting people to flourish.

Friends and family are always welcome at Henson Court, whether it’s to visit their loved ones or to get involved with the regular and much anticipated disco nights and parties. When people aren’t up and dancing, they love to relax too with a calm pamper afternoon, baking in the kitchen or having a picnic in the nearby parks and green spaces. People get plenty of time to follow their own passions too, whether it’s learning about cars and motorbikes and visiting motor shows or visiting the local farm to spend time with animals and be outside.

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What makes this service special?

Social Atmosphere

Always something fun to do or somewhere to go


All care and support is tailored to the individual


People are encouraged to make the choices about their home

“People were treated with kindness and compassion … Staff knew people's preferences and provided care and support that met their needs.”

CQC, 2022

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

General Queries

If you have a general query for Consensus, or you’re not sure who to contact please get in touch and we will make sure the right person receives your question for the best response.

    If you have a general query for Consensus, or you’re not sure who to contact please get in touch and we will make sure the right person receives your question for the best response. For compliments and complaints, click the Feedback tab.

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