
Heather Holmes

Desborough, Northamptonshire

  • Private Flats
  • Private Rooms with Ensuite
  • Hoist Equipment
  • Wheelchair Accessible Rooms
  • Garden
  • Communal Areas
  • Nearby Public Transport Links
Heather Holmes is a vibrant, lively home that offers support and care tailored to each person who lives there, involving residents in every aspect of their own home and taking not only their needs into account, but also their wants and personal goals are considered when making any decisions.

The people living here are always getting involved and helped set up their own cafe, zen room and sensory room. There’s always a party, day out or celebration planned – but even when there isn’t, they make their own parties and are always ready to put on some music and dance! Someone will always be in the communal areas ready to join in the fun, but there’s plenty of time to relax in the quiet sensory areas of the home too and the option to go out 1:1 with the team on trips and visits of their choosing.

People are encouraged by the team to achieve their health goals, but also their personal goals. Some people have joined walking groups and clubs, started volunteering, and visiting local attractions.
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What makes this service special?

Outdoor Space

Beautiful gardens


Everything is planned around the people

Warm Atmosphere

A happy, homely environment

“People had support to participate in a wide range of therapeutic, social and recreational activities, both at the home itself and in the local community. These included regular art, fun exercise and music-based sessions and take-a-ways.”

CQC, 2019

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

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