
Haydock House

Kettering, Northamptonshire

  • Private Rooms with Ensuite
  • Garden
  • Nearby Transport Links
  • Communal Areas
  • PWS Support
Haydock House is an amazing residential service supporting people with Prader-Willi Syndrome, encouraging them to take an active role in their care and learning how to manage their condition and maintain a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. The team involve everyone who lives here in the running of their own home, whether meal planning, decorating, or planning their fun events calendar.

There is a fun, lively atmosphere in the house, and you’ll usually hear chatter, singing or the latest soap opera in the communal areas. Everybody loves to come together, decorate and cheer along to their favourite teams whenever Wimbledon or the world cup comes around. There’s plenty of activities going on in-house; from fun and games like bingo nights, relaxing afternoons gardening or learning new skills with cooking and classes.
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What makes this service special?

Specialist PWS Support

Support managing a healthy, active lifestyle


Everyone gets to decide how their home is run


All care and support is tailored to the individual

“There was an extremely positive and open culture that ensured people were at the centre of everything the service did. People were empowered to be as independent as possible. Staff spoke very highly of the culture within the service and the wider organisation, drawing comparisons with others they had worked within and describing it as the best”

CQC, 2019

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

General Queries

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