
Gretton House

Gretton, Northamptonshire

  • Private rooms with Ensuite
  • Self-Contained Apartments
  • Large Garden
  • Many Communal Areas
  • Specialist PWS Support

Gretton House is set in a quiet, calm village but is always busy and bustling with fun. The people we support are at the heart of everything we do.  They are supported to get involved with their home, learning new life skills and take the lead on the care and support they receive – which can include getting in the kitchen with the chef who prepares nutritious meals and encourages everyone to join in with understanding their diet and how to make healthy choices to support their PWS. Gretton is split into two residential areas, the main house being made up of 17 Bedrooms, and "Gretton House View" being situated at the bottom of the beautiful garden with 3 Self-Contained Apartments - perfect for those looking for more privacy and independency. 

There is always someone in the many communal areas ready to host a movie or quiz night, do some yoga or Zumba, play some board games or have a pamper session. There are regular parties for family and friends to join in, from dinner parties to disco nights – and everyone is supported to follow their own hobbies and goals, whether that’s classic cars, joining a football team, train watching, getting a voluntary job or even going flying!

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What makes this service special?

PWS Specialist

Support to make informed healthy choices and positive risk taking

Place for Dancing

Filled with lots of fun, activities, socialising and dancing

Community Spirit

Building local relationships & hosting events for other services

Play Video

“The registered manager and management team worked hard to instil a culture of care in which staff valued and promoted people's individuality, protected their rights and enabled them to develop and flourish.”

CQC, 2022

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Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

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