
Fletton Avenue

Peterborough, Cambridgeshire

  • Private Rooms with Ensuite
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Quiet Spaces
  • Communal Areas
  • Garden
  • Nearby Transport Links
Fletton Avenue is a bright, busy home supporting people with PWS to live independently and make their own choices about care and the place they live. There’s a focus on positive risk-taking; people are actively involved in planning their meals and being involved in cooking to achieve their health goals and manage their PWS as well as pushing themselves to get out into the community to volunteer or take trips. Everyone is encouraged to keep fit and healthy but have fun; people love sailing, swimming, boccia, and adapted cycling or just a walk to the park together.

There’s always someone ready to watch football or have game nights with – and friends and family are always welcome to come and join with the fun and laughter. Everyone living here is encouraged to be independent, helping with running their home and learning life skills so they can have the greatest choice in what they do.
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What makes this service special?

Positive Risk Taking

Encouragement and support to achieve goals

Social Atmosphere

Friendly and social with lots to do

Specialist PWS Support

Specially trained team and food security

“There was a strong person-centred culture throughout the service and staff were skilled in providing good care and support to people. People's dignity was very well managed and individual with people's choices and preferences fully respected.”

CQC, 2019

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

General Queries

If you have a general query for Consensus, or you’re not sure who to contact please get in touch and we will make sure the right person receives your question for the best response.

    If you have a general query for Consensus, or you’re not sure who to contact please get in touch and we will make sure the right person receives your question for the best response. For compliments and complaints, click the Feedback tab.

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