
Courtwick Park

Littlehampton, West Sussex

  • Private Rooms
  • Wheelchair Accessible Areas
  • Sensory Room
  • Garden
  • Communal Areas
  • Nearby Transport Links
Courtwick Park is a lively, social home that perfectly suits someone who loves to keep busy, with that extra support needed to manage their home or get out and about. Everyone here keeps active with assisted cycling, swimming, skating and walks on the beach – as well as looking after their wellbeing with visits from aromatherapists, sensory play and weekly music entertainer.

Friends and family are always welcome, and love to get involved with their regular discos, themed dinner nights and pantomimes – although they don’t always wait for one to be planned, you can often find people in the communal areas ready to do some arts and crafts or relax together.

The team encourage everyone to take control and plan their days, supporting people to plan holidays and trips, and to have their say in their next big day out.
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What makes this service special?


Everyone is included in managing their home


Range of things to do in and out of the home

Social Atmosphere

Everyone has fun and knows each other

“People were supported to be involved and to make decisions about their care. Each person was allocated a key worker and those we spoke with were able to tell us in detail about the person's preferences and what they enjoyed.”

CQC Report 2017

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

General Queries

If you have a general query for Consensus, or you’re not sure who to contact please get in touch and we will make sure the right person receives your question for the best response.

    If you have a general query for Consensus, or you’re not sure who to contact please get in touch and we will make sure the right person receives your question for the best response. For compliments and complaints, click the Feedback tab.

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