
Belstead Mews

Ipswich, Suffolk

  • Children's Service
  • Private Rooms with Ensuite
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Makaton/Sign Language
  • Total Communication
  • Sensory Room
  • Lifts/Ramps
  • Hoist Equipment
  • Nearby Transport Links

Belstead Mews is a unique home for young people that supports them to learn life skills, complete their education, and thrive as they move into adulthood. The young people living here are encouraged to be as independent as possible, promoting decision making to allow choice over the activities they participate in, their home is run. The team help with life skills, cooking, education and all other support they may need on a personal, one-to-one basis.

The home is calm and welcoming – but there is always something fun happening. Everyone is always ready for a party at Belstead Mews; with their traditional yearly summer camp out, BBQ’s and petting zoo days being a highlight of everyone’s social calendars. At home, there’s sensory play, crafts, movies and plenty of relaxing activities to be done, and the team will support any new hobby or skill someone wants to try their hand at!

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What makes this service special?

Social Atmosphere

Everyone enjoys time together with friends

Fun & Frolics

There's always someone enjoying their next adventure

Daily Living Skills

Support to learn skills for independence

“Staff morale is a real strength at this home. Staff are proud of what they achieve with children. This helps children to feel proud of their achievements too. Parents have full trust and confidence that the staff advocate for their child’s best interests, safety and well-being”

Ofsted, 2023

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

General Queries

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