
Beach Road

Littlehampton, West Sussex

  • Private Rooms
  • Large Shared Garden
  • Public Transport Links
  • Communal Areas
  • Total Communication
  • Makaton/Sign Language

Beach Road is a residential home for people with learning disabilities and behaviours that challenges, situated in the West Sussex coastal town of Littlehampton. Located right next to the coast, days out to the beach are a must.

The small, highly specialised home provides very high levels of care whilst enabling the people we support to live as part of an integrate within the local community. Providing long term care with maximum independence, every voice is valued at Beach Road to shape the support that is delivered.

Everyone living at Beach Road is encouraged and empowered to take an active part in their community and access mainstream Leisure pursuits and interests, and develop their different life skills.

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What makes this service special?

Values at the Heart

Ambitious, vibrant, and contemporary in our approach

Large Garden

Perfect for growing tasty tomatoes & scrumptious strawberries

Activities Area

A piano, a pool table, and a cabin for lots of activities

We are here

Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.

Looking for more information?

    The Referrals Team are here to help you whether you’re searching for support for yourself or someone else, and someone will be in touch soon to discuss the support options Consensus may be able to offer you.

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