
Rambling, Sports, Holidays & More: Meet Mark

Meet Mark –a kind & caring soul and a man with what is, quite possibly, the busiest social schedule we’ve ever seen!

Moving to Ty Hendy back in 2018, it’s fair to say that Mark had previously struggled in certain situations and environments. But the team, and those who care for Mark, were determined to ensure he had all the support he needed to flourish.

Building Trust & Positive Steps

After the team engaged in bespoke training, they, along with Mark himself, worked together to build trust between one another and ensure Mark felt safe, cared for, listened to and given all the support and opportunities he wanted and needed. Over time, the challenges he faced on a regular basis lessened to the point where today, these scenarios are no longer a challenge.

In a bid for greater independence, Mark’s 2:1 support is now being reduced to 1:1 at home, and Mark is really proud of this positive step forward towards his goal to be more independent, and enjoying the increased confidence this brings with it. With a focus on positive risk-taking, and supporting Mark to have more control with decision-making, the results have been phenomenal – as you’ll see… 

Blossoming Friendships & a Jam-Packed Schedule

Meeting new people and making friends, Mark’s social circle has grown exponentially since moving to Ty Hendy. Joining a local rambler’s group, Mark has been putting his best foot forward, making lots of new friendships within the community – attending social events, as well as the weekly walks. So valued a member is he, that he’s led his own rambles and was presented with an award for this by the group.

“Mark was great today, he really did himself proud. He impressed everyone after his meal with a speech, calling out the kitchen staff and thanking them for the beautiful food and service.” – Ramblers’ Group Leader.

But Mark’s social calendar isn’t quite full yet… as he also manages to squeeze in time to attend local coffee mornings with residents from the village, attends college once a week, is a member of his local football team, attends church, AND enjoys a good disco. And if that wasn’t enough, he’s also undertook a variety of work experience roles, including gardening with the council’s volunteering programme – what an inspiration to all!

Money Management & Increasing Independence

Following lockdown, the team noted an increase in card-only establishments which has posed challenges when managing cash allowances. The limitations this imposed on Mark’s (ever growing) activities, combined with his fantastic progress in increasing independence, has seen Mark begin to manage his finances via his own debit card.

In 2022, Mark chose to book a holiday – something he’d never done before. Dipping his toe in the water with his first ever holiday, he travelled to England for two days and enjoyed some amazing experiences including driving a car. The kind soul he is, he also merged the holiday with a visit to his family.

With the travel bug well and truly caught, in 2023 he was off on his travels again – this time staying in Wales but researching the costs, attractions and nearby activities and extending his trip to a three-day holiday. Wonder where this year will take him!

Amazing Achievements

Mark’s achievements over the last few years have been nothing short of amazing. Through positive risk-taking, breaking down barriers, and asking the question of ‘how’ we do this (rather than the reasons of ‘why’ this can’t be done) we’ve seen a new-found confidence and a passion for life that has propelled Mark to embrace everything life has to offer.

But of course, you didn’t think that was everything, did you? Oh no – he’s got another trick up his sleeve. A budding author, Mark has been working hard on writing a story, a fairytale mash-up which he’s looking forward to sharing with you soon. Watch this space.

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