
Lime Grove: A culture that supports people to maximise their

“People are very positive about the service they receive. Highly skilled and professional support workers have developed important relationships with people that positively impact their well-being. Individualised personal plans effectively guide support workers on how best to meet people’s needs. The service is very well led by an accessible and supportive manager.”

We are delighted to share the latest Care Inspectorate Wales inspection report for Lime Grove Apartments, our supported living service in Carmarthen. A huge congratulations to the incredible team there — your dedication and care make a significant difference in the lives of the people you support every day.

The full report is available to view via the link below.

In the meantime, here are some of our highlights for you to enjoy:


“People have control over decisions that affect their lives and are supported to work towards their own individual goals. Support workers know people well, understand their needs and take time to develop positive and trusting relationships with each other.”

“There is a person-centred culture at the service and people have a voice because the RI knows them well and involves them in quarterly visits. This information is recorded in a report with a clear action plan and used alongside a variety of internal audits to inform the six-monthly Quality of Care Review.”

Care and Support

“We observed many respectful and positive interactions between people and their support workers during the inspection. The enabling culture at the service promotes independence, this has helped people to move into their own homes, go on holidays and maintain important relationships with family and friends.”

“The provider has introduced an effective electronic planning system. People, their representatives, support workers and associated professionals are involved in the development of personal plans. Documentation is up to date, with accurate guidance on how best to support people to achieve their individual outcomes.”

“People are active members of their local community and enjoy going shopping, eating out, accessing leisure facilities and are members of various social clubs. Support workers help people to maintain their own homes, shop for themselves, manage their own medication and promote a healthy way of life.”

Leadership and Management

“There are highly effective arrangements in place for monitoring, reviewing and improving the quality of the service. The provider has introduced a new quality assurance system, with detailed audits and action plans to address any issues.”

“Staff receive regular one to one supervision and an annual appraisal, they describe the manager as organised, accessible and supportive.”

“The manager ensures there are adequate numbers of support workers available to meet people’s individualised needs and choices. The stable and consistent team of support workers have developed trusting relationships with people that have enabled them to achieve positive well-being outcomes.”

Lime Grove's Wonderful CIW Inspection Report

You can read the full inspection report on the CIW website, available in English and Welsh, and find out even more about Lime Grove’s much deserved fully compliant report.

Head to CIW

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