
Good for Burnham House: Where Every Person Matters

“People were at the heart of what the service did. Relatives and staff told us there was an open and positive culture at the service. People were supported to express their views. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.”

A safe, effective, and well-led service; we’re thrilled to see the positive improvements coming to life and being acknowledged and recognised at Burnham House, as they achieved a ‘Good’ CQC rating in their latest inspection.

A big congratulations to everyone at Burnham House for really making a difference in the lives of the people you support; it’s clear from the report that people are at the centre of everything you do.

Comments from those working at Burnham House included:

  • “I look forward to coming to work as I know I am supported to do my job.”
  • “The manager is very supportive, understanding and approachable.”
  • “We support one person who likes to play different music around the 60s and 70s and also they like to go out using the community. We also support another person who likes their support and care given in a particular way due to their autism.”

Comments from those living at Burnham House included:

  • A person told us when asked if they received safe care, “Yes I do. Staff are kind.”

Comments from the relatives included:

  • “Yes, I’m very happy, [person] enjoys all of the activities and [person] is very settled there.”
  • “I think they [staff] are very caring, they are lovely people, there are always big smiles and I am made to feel very welcome.”

Highlighting some of our stand-out comments, have a read of the report below;


  • Through our observation we saw that people knew staff well and that they had positive relationships between each other. We observed people were comfortable at the home and felt at ease with staff.
  • People were positive about the home and could raise issues if they wanted to. A person told us when asked who will they speak to if they were unhappy, “I can talk to the manager or any of the staff.”
  • Staff told us they were listened too and were able to raise concerns to management.
  • A person told us when asked if they were supported safely when moving between services, “Yes, they do. They help me to make appointments if I need to.”


  • People and relatives told us people received personalised care according to their need. People and relatives were positive about the care provided.
  • People and relatives were positive about staff and going to different services. A person told us, “They help me to make appointments if I need to.
  • People were supported to live healthier lives. We saw that people were encouraged to drink and eat a balanced diet and were encouraged with activities.
  • Records showed that people participated in a number of activities, which included accessing the community and indoor activities such as baking, dancing and playing games. People were able to maintain relationships with family and friends.


  • People were involved in decisions about their care and how they would like to be supported where possible and independence was promoted. 
  • Staff told us they promoted peoples independence and involved people with decisions when supporting them.
  • A person told us, “I clean my own room by myself.” A relative commented, “Yes, as much as possible. They involve [person] in making choices to and at the moment are talking about decorating [persons] room. They are keeping me informed and helping [person] to choose paper and colours.”
  • We also observed independence was promoted where possible such as encouraging people with eating meals and cleaning their home independently.


  • Care plans were personalised based on peoples preferences and choices. Staff had a good understanding of the ethos of the service and were clear about their responsibilities.
  • Where people had any cultural or religious needs, these were recorded to ensure staff were aware of them. Staff had a good knowledge of people’s beliefs and cultural needs and ensured these were met. 
  • Surveys had been sent to people and relatives to attain feedback on care delivery, the results were positive.


  • We found that people were supported well and staff were positive about working at the home. 
  • The registered manager and staff were all aligned towards the vision of the home, which placed people at the heart of the vision.
  • Staff told us the culture within the home was positive.
  • The registered manager had an open door culture and therefore support was always available for both staff and people when needed.

Service Manager, Julius Ssonko expressed his happiness achieving good; “Every single member of staff at Burnham house played a big part in ensuring that we get this deserved good CQC inspection report. I feel very proud of the culture of compassion and kindness, dedication and professionalism displayed by staff in their work which was noticed and recognised by the inspectors on the day of the visit. It is this staff dedication that continues to make a difference in the lives of the people we support. We remain committed to making Burnham house shine.”

Burnham House's Good CQC Report You can read the full inspection report on the CQC website, and find out even more about Burnham House’s thoroughly deserved ‘Good’ rating.

Head to CQC

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