
Celebrating Every Moment - The Fletton Awards

The amazing team at Fletton Avenue have recently enjoyed their second annual Fletton Awards – a celebration of the exceptional individuals who make Fletton Avenue such a special place to live and to work.

To make the Awards extra special – they hired a local venue, decorated with all the glitz and glam (essential for the perfect photo opportunities), and filled the room with laughter, music and heartfelt celebrations.

At Consensus, we believe in recognising the unique strengths and talents of both the people we support and our colleagues, and celebrating what makes each person special. And it’s this individual brilliance that was at the heart of Fletton Avenue’s Awards ceremony.

Every person who lives and works at Fletton was honoured for something that makes them exceptional. From adoring traits to outstanding contributions, each award was testament to individual uniqueness and authenticity. Even new colleagues were welcomes with a special ‘Welcome to Fletton Avenue’ award, which shows what a warm and welcoming service they have joined. As manager Cathie took to the stage to announce and present each award, little did she know that there was a surprise in store for her, too. The team, ever grateful for Cathie’s dedication and leadership, presented her with beautiful flowers and a bottle of fizz to show just how much she means to everyone at Fletton.

But it was the rhythmic tunes of DJ Brownie that really set the party alight. A Fletton Avenue resident, Craig was all too happy to share his musical talent with everyone attending, setting the perfect ambience for a fun-filled celebration.

The Fletton Awards 2023 were not just a celebration of achievements, but a testament to the spirit of community and appreciation that thrives here. Each award, each smile, and each tune and boogie echoed the belief that every individual has something truly special to offer.

At Consensus, we remain committed to creating environments where individuals with learning disabilities, autism, and complex needs can thrive, grow, and be celebrated for exactly who they are. Thank you to the team at Fletton Avenue for this shining example of just that.

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