
Betty's Christmas miracle

We always hear that Christmas is a special time of year, but for Phoenix House, they truly have had a Christmas miracle – tissues at the ready.

Meet Betty, a lovely lady who loves nothing more than the comforts of her homely flat. Celebrating her 86th birthday earlier this year, she’s always got a massive smile on her face (see below!).

However, for Betty, the comforts of her flat are all too inviting, meaning Betty hasn’t left her flat for the past 10 years… until now. With the magic of Christmas in the air, and the magic touch from the fantastic colleagues at Phoenix House, Betty decided today was the day she’d like to take the big step of coming out of her flat – all to be apart of a special activity happening across Consensus.

Spreading joy and cheer, every home across Consensus has spent the beginning of December creating fantastic cards to send to one another. But not just a card; people have been doing drawings, writing down their favourite Christmas carols, writing personalised letters, and even taking group photos to share with another home – connecting one another this Christmas time.

Deborah, manager of Phoenix House has been preparing to photoshop Betty into the group photo to ensure everyone was included – but Betty thought she could make it even more special, and actually be in the photo herself. Helping Betty to safely step outside of her flat, the pure joy (and tears!) on everyone’s faces has been electric – a truly special moment, all to be apart of a group photo this Christmas.

Betty has even ventured out of her flat a few times since, taking in all the fantastic Christmas decorations, and the team still can’t believe their eyes. A massive well done to Betty on this truly fantastic step, and to all the wonderful team at Phoenix House for continuing to support and encourage Betty to venture outside of her flat.

A true Christmas miracle indeed. Now, who’s got the tissues?!

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