
Adam's Achievements: New Home, New Skills, New Independence

When Adam moved into the newly opened Little Gretton just a few months ago, he got right to work at making it feel like home – painting, decorating, making friends and putting his mark on his brand new flat.

Enjoying the independence and responsibility that comes with having a place of your own, Adam was learning every single day but was still struggling with the idea of cooking, finding it overwhelming and difficult to do but he was determined that it wouldn’t stop him. Adam worked with the team to come up with a plan and started helping out in his kitchen bit by bit – whether it was cutting the veggies, preparing a salad, dishing up a meal or sitting down to come up with a meal plan – until he’d mastered every step.

Now all he had to do was put everything he’d learned together and put his chef hat on to get chopping, sieving and frying all the way to creating an amazing dinner of homemade spaghetti Bolognese with a delicious pear crumble. To make it even sweeter, his first home-cooked meal was date night and he got to impress his girlfriend with his newfound kitchen skills as well as celebrate this amazing achievement. 

Adam is very excited to add more cooking to his weekly routine and is starting to learn even more about food hygiene, storage and of course even more recipes. The whole team is so proud of everything he’s accomplished in just a few short months and have given him a new cooking skills book and certificate to hang in his kitchen as a reminder of how far he has come.  

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