
A bustling spring at Belstead Mews

April showers bring May flowers… and a bustling spring at Belstead Mews. From birthday celebrations to easter egg hunts, carnival rides to colourful creations – there’s never a moment shy of making memories that’ll last a lifetime.

Smile, laugh, and enjoy every moment with us at Belstead Mews…

A special 18th Birthday Bash

Celebrating his big 18th in style, one of the young people had an amazing party thrown for him – balloons, streamers, and not 1… but 3 birthday cakes! Receiving lots of presents that were carefully picked around his interests and likes, he happily unwrapped and loved all his presents, before coming together with everyone to enjoy party food and a special rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’. Topping the day off with fish & chips for dinner, it was a magical birthday full of laughter, fun, and good times.

International Happiness Day

On the 20th March, one of the supported young children celebrated international happiness day – heading off to her Innov8 activity where she created some fantastic artwork with her teacher. Taking on the theme of pandas, the final artwork was an absolute masterpiece! Arriving home to a surprise present from the team for all her excellent work, a collectable Stitch toy was the icing on top of the cake – making sure her day was full of happiness!

International Colours Day

Following International Happiness Day, it was time to celebrate International Colours Day! Getting the whole of Belstead Mews involved, the team and people we supported decorated a board in of the communal rooms – splattering paint and designing masterpieces with bright colours, they wanted the background to be as colourful and vibrant as possible… which they succeeded at. Our quality mascot ‘Q’ even made an appearance featuring on the board!

Celebrating Easter Weekend

For Easter Weekend, activities were abundant. Starting off the long weekend with plenty of fun, one of the young people we support headed out for an easter egg hunt – and what a fun time he had! Running over to get a photo with the Easter Bunny and Easter Chick, he had a fantastic time hunting for eggs which he quickly demolished on the way home – yum! The young man also received a certificate for his great work in participating.

For 2 of the other young people, an Easter Fair at Felixstowe pier was on the agenda. Bumper cars, a swing carousel, a waltzer, a Ferris Wheel – they tried it all! One of the young men even drove his own bumper car, excitedly chasing others laughing along the way. A day full of excitement, arms in the air, and cheering – everyone had fun making memories and posing for photos.

On the Easter Sunday, it was then time for an easter egg hunt at Belstead Mews. Hiding lots of mini eggs around the garden, everyone got involved in the hunt, and spotted a paw print trial from where the Easter Bunny has visited to deliver the eggs! Spending the afternoon making easter bonnets to wear for a yummy lamb roast, the end was ended with chocolate eggs for dessert, of course.

A busy spring full of exciting activities, making memories, and ensuring every moment matters – we can’t wait to see what summer has in store for all the young people at Belstead Mews.

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