If you have a general query for Consensus, or you’re not sure who to contact please get in touch and we will make sure the right person receives your question for the best response.
Who We Are
Our Commitment
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
Positive Risk Taking
Encouragement and support to achieve goals
Social Atmosphere
Friendly and social with lots to do
Specialist PWS Support
Specially trained team and food security
“There was a strong person-centred culture throughout the service and staff were skilled in providing good care and support to people. People's dignity was very well managed and individual with people's choices and preferences fully respected.”
CQC, 2019
Locations provided are indicative of geographical area, and may not represent exact address.
If you have a general query for Consensus, or you’re not sure who to contact please get in touch and we will make sure the right person receives your question for the best response.