
Ashbury House's Wonderful CIW Inspection Report

“People are supported by a care staff team who are caring, understanding, and attentive. People have opportunities to be part of their local community and are supported to go on holidays and fulfil their potential.”

We’re delighted to share the recent Care Inspectorate Wales inspection report from Ashbury House – our residential service in Magor, Newport. Well done to the team at Ashbury House – you make a difference every day in the lives of the people you support.

Comments at Ashbury House included:

  • Care staff told us they are happy in their role, feel supported and confident in their duties.
  • A visiting health professional told us advice is always listened to, and any instructions followed. Comments included, ‘Staff are really good, they are great.’

The full report is available to view via the link below, and as Area Director Lorraine says, “Ashbury promotes great quality of life in everything they do, ensuring the people supported are setting their own goals and aspirations, and ensuring these outcomes are achieved, and this was reflected in the recent inspection report, I am proud of what they have achieved, and providing a home for life for everyone there.”

In the meantime, here are some of our highlights for you to enjoy:


“We saw people comfortable and relaxed in communal areas and in the comfort of their bedroom. People are supported to do things that matter to them.”

“We saw a care staff member holding the hands of an individual supporting them to mobilise safely by observing peoples body language and facial expressions, this showed us they are relaxed and reassured by care staff supporting them.”

“Physical health and well-being is promoted. People are supported to access healthcare services as or when needed. Individuals are encouraged to be active and keep themselves healthy.”

Care and Support

“People are supported with care and compassion by care staff in sufficient numbers. There is a good care staff presence at the service with people being supported in a kind and considerate manner. Care staff value people, we saw genuine care and warmth being provided.”

“Visitors are welcomed into the home supporting peoples’ emotional well-being. People enjoy swimming, supporting their local football team and being supported to maintain regular family contact.”

“Care staff told us they had recently supported everyone living at the service to enjoy a long weekend break at a holiday resort. We saw sensitive and caring interactions throughout our visit.”


“People are involved in choosing the décor and personal furnishing within their bedrooms. Bedrooms contain items of choice and things of importance to them.”

“Health and safety checks are in place. Hot and cold water checks are completed. The laundry room is clean and tidy.”

Leadership and Management

“There is a safeguarding policy in place and care staff have a good understanding of when and how to report matters as necessary.”

“Arrangements are in place to provide regular support to care staff.”

In response to the published report, Managing Director Katy added, “I am exceptionally proud of the Ashbury House team led by manager Chris and the Responsible Individual Lorraine and great to see their hard work and dedication reflected throughout their care Inspectorate report. Their commitment to supporting people to live the best lives and making every moment matter.”

Ashbury House's Wonderful CIW Inspection Report

You can read the full inspection report on the CIW website, available in English and Welsh, and find out even more about Ashbury House’s much deserved fully compliant report.

Head to CIW

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